This site is usable. However, it is still under CONSTRUCTION. Some stories have incorrect audio and are denoted with an (NC) in the menu. We are currently working to finish the site, and hope to have it completed very soon. Thank you!
Words Per Minute Graph Directions
On the right are the links to our Words Per Minute Graphs. Back by popular to demand! We have made a new digital version of our graphs. One is Google Sheet and the other an Excel.
The 3 Reading Charts are from the original website.
Note: These 3 pdfs were made specifically for the old reading stories from the old reading levels. They may not match the new stories and some of them may even be unable to fit. But 1 is made for the earlier levels, 2 is for the mid range levels and 3 is for the highest levels.
How to Start (timer will give 1 second to get ready):
How to Pause:
How to Reset: