This site is usable. However, it is still under CONSTRUCTION. Some stories have incorrect audio and are denoted with an (NC) in the menu. We are currently working to finish the site, and hope to have it completed very soon. Thank you!
How does the Reading Skills for Adults program work?
Pre-reading: Students answer questions about the topic of the story and read definitions of words that are used in the story
First Timed Reading: Students read as much of the story as they can in one minute. They will mark how many words they read.
First Reading: Students read out loud while the story is read to them.
Second Reading: Students read out loud while the story is read to them.
Third Reading: Students read out loud while the story is read to them.
Understanding and Writing: Students answer comprehension questions and write a paragraph about some aspect of the story.
Final Timed Reading: Students read the story to a teacher who is listening for fluency and noting any errors while being timed for one minute. Students mark on their graphs how many WCPM (Words Correct Per Minute) were read.
First Time User
1. Choose a reading level
2. Complete the Pre-reading
a) Answer the questions
b) Read the definitions
3. Complete the first timing
4. Go to Resources page
a) Download graph
b) Place first timing
5.Read along with the audios
6) Practice reading without the sound
7) Complete the final timing
8) Graph the final timing
9) Answer the Post-questions
10) Complete the writing